• Image of PHI-Goddess Midnight
  • Image of PHI-Goddess Midnight
  • Image of PHI-Goddess Midnight
  • Image of PHI-Goddess Midnight
  • Image of PHI-Goddess Midnight

Phi: Divine Proportion, Gods language in numbers.
Goddess: A Supernatural Feminine Being.

CLEAR QUARTZ: Increased clarity. A Master healer. Amplifier. Dispels negative energy. Neutralizes toxicity. Soul cleanser. Concentration.
The hidden force deep within technological wonders. For you it is an outward expression of the hidden/not so hidden force deep within the wonder that is you.

Absorbs negative frequencies. Restores balance to the body at a deep physical level. Boosts immunity. Restores emotional equilibrium. Transforms stress into a potent energetic recharge. Transforms water. Neutralizes effects of EMF's & Radiation.

A sacred sequence of numbers that facilitates the resonance of harmony, balance, alignment & beauty. Has a resonant and healing effect on DNA. Amplifies the properties of stones in the sequence

Small batch. Sand, Sea or Midnight.
Four ways to wear it.


  • Phi-Goddess Midnight
    3 in stock