On Sale
Goldenmean accessories for our home?
The use of the Fibonacci Sequence in the beading pattern facilitates the resonance of balance, harmony and beauty wherever it is placed.
Hangs 5-6 feet in length, and brings a level of sacredness to any room or environment.
Lay on any surface, hang on walls or doors, or drape over chairs and furniture or wherever inspired.
Grey with Black tassel.
last one!!!
Wooden Beads
-Sterling Silver
-Gold Twine Tassel. With Shungite sphere
-Black Twine Tassel. With Shungite sphere
-Cream Cotton Tassel. With Rudraksha Seed
Absorbs negative frequencies. Restores balance to the body at a deep physical level. Boosts immunity. Restores emotional equilibrium. Transforms stress into a potent energetic recharge. Transforms water. Neutralizes effects of EMF's & Radiation.
Peace of mind. Clarity. Prosperity. Neutralizes negativity. Stabilizing. Elevates the soul. While supplies last, all Rudraksha used by iSOLA has been blessed by Amma, (the Hugging Saint).
A sacred sequence of numbers that facilitates the resonance of harmony, balance, alignment & beauty. Has a resonant and healing effect on DNA. Amplifies the properties of stones in the sequence.Comes with basic instructions on how to use, and includes a Phi-Mantra to raise your vibration.