• Image of Portal III
  • Image of Portal III
  • Image of Portal III
  • Image of Portal III
  • Image of Portal III

9 Chakras
Grounded in 1 Base (Shungite)
Elegant and simple. Wear one or collect them all.

* Use the code PORTALS for 10% off 3 or more. *

A chakra is an energy point in the human body through which power and life-force flow. The more power and life force that flows, the more grounded and connected we feel with our higher self and our purpose. The less power and life force flowing, the less grounded and connected we feel with our higher self and our purpose.
We have been familiar with 7 Chakras for many years, but we are now learning about many more.
The Earth Star connects us with the core of the earth, helping us to ground and become one with the planet.
The Soul Star connects us more multidimensionally to our God-self and higher will.
There are many ways to support the clearing, balancing and amplifying of your chakras... wearing specific crystals is one of them.

Third 3

Vibration: High
Opens third eye and clarifies spiritual vision.
Creates safe space for multidimensional exploration and healing Aids enlightenment.
Affirmation: I am dreaming a new world into being.

Vibration: High
Clarity, manifestation, Focus
Master Healer. Amplifier. Deep soul cleanser. Harmonizes all chakras and balances environment. New beginnings.
Affirmation: I am crystal clear on my intentions and goals

Vibration: Very High
Universal awareness. Aids enlightenment and ascension. Regulates divine light of spirit. Facilitates moving beyond limitation and letting go. Activates multidimensional healing.

Vibration: Earthy & high.
Absorbs negative frequencies. Restores balance to the body at a deep physical level. Boosts immunity. Restores emotional equilibrium. Transforms stress into a potent energetic recharge. Transforms water. Neutralizes effects of EMF's & Radiation.
Affirmation: I am grounded and strong.

A sacred sequence of numbers that facilitates the resonance of harmony, balance, alignment & beauty. Has a resonant and healing effect on DNA. Amplifies the properties of stones in the sequence.

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